The winner of the championship is David Pasotti, Chevrolet Camaro

Pavia - Italy, December 2013. The spotlights on Rivanazzano Dragway go off in sync with the engines. NOS bottles are now exhausted. The drag racing show was staged and as a premiere, the result and audience have been a success. Coppa Italia ACI 2013 - Trofeo Maxi Car Racing scored, with authentic passion, a step in  the national  history  of  motor  sport.  It was  the  first acceleration championship  in  Italy: four races to its credit, from April to October and a special edition.


The 2013 season has been a big challenge, accepted with enthusiasm by the many riders from all over the Country and from the  public.  For  each  race, Coppa  Italia  ACI  2013  attended  from  60  to  85  cars.  Among these was a significant presence of foreign racers from France, Switzerland and Germany. Great number of cars  registered and  satisfaction  from  the “free  run”,  a new  opportunity  to  approach  and  engage  in  this discipline without excessive investment and technical training. Unforgettable emotions for everyone.
The spectators greeted with curiosity the world of drag racing, something new in Italy and for this reason with great potentiality.  Thousands  of  enthusiasts  and  families  have  experienced  the show behind the safety barriers placed  along  the ¼ mile  straight  or  from  the  comfortable  gallery.  The  location  of  the  whole championship,  the  airport of Rivanazzano Terme (Pv), measured up to the occasion: friendly, welcoming, well organized and perfect for a race that takes place on 402.33 meters. This is the secret of the drag racing show:  enjoy  the race  from the beginning  to the  end, from  the “christmas  tree”  to  the  opening  of  the parachute. Last important detail about the organization is the open paddock, an opportunity to look around racer’s life and the final technical preparations.

Let’s go back to the heart of the first Italian drag racing championship, Coppa Italia ACI 2013, with the official announcement of the highest-ranking. The guideline provides for a single winner for each category and an overall winner:
Category A4
1 place: number 401 Daniele Gaiardi - Fiat Bravo 1600 with 675 total points
Category A3
1 place: number 347 Marco Grandini - '69 Plymouth Road Runner with 650 total points
Category A2
1 place: number 201 David Pasotti - Chevrolet Camaro '72 with 785 total points
Category A1
1 place: number 107 Roberto Bailo - '73 Pontiac Trans Am with 540 total points
Category B3
1 place: number 677 Guerrino Gabucci - Fiat Uno Racing with 555 total points
Category B2
1 place: number 569 Enrico Bailo - '69 Chevrolet Nova with 655 total points
Category B1
1 place: number 709 Ennio Bagnuolo - Ford Sierra Cosworth with 725 total points
The overall winner of Coppa Italia ACI 2013 - Trofeo Maxi Car Racing is David Pasotti, A2 category with 785 points. He wins riding a Chevrolet Camaro 1972, equipped with 454 Big Block Chevy engine.

The championship  organizers,  AMP - American  Motors  Pavia, are pleased  with  the  results  and  declare: “The 2013 season has shown that the drag racing in Italy is more alive than ever. The Italian and foreign racers have run at our championship with enthusiasm and sportsmanship, despite the bad weather we had in 3 races out  of  5.  The  pilots  have  paid  off  our  enormous  efforts,  the  paddock  has  always  lived  up  to expectations and the show of the track has really satisfied. We are aware that the first year of Coppa Italia ACI, you can not expect big numbers in terms of public, partners or supporters of the automotive industry, but we are sure that this motorsport, one of the most practiced and popular in the world, will have in Italy a memorable next season."

A special thanks goes to all the AMP team, the volunteers, the Aeroclub L.M. Resta Rivanazzano Terme, Garlasco Civil  Protection,  Croce  San  Francesco  di  Rivanazzano  Terme,  all  the  exhibitors,  the  media  that promoted  this  event,  the  main sponsor  Maxi  Car  Racing and  both the  technical partners, Sadurano Motorsport and Federation ACI.
The  drag  racing show  doesn’t stop,  news  coming  next  year.  The calendar  will  soon  be  published: Stay tuned!

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